LH-CA neuron of the dopaminergic PPL2ab cluster [FBbt_00048255]

Adult dopaminergic neuron with a cell body in the PPL2ab cluster. It has major arborization sites in the lateral horn, the entire mushroom body calyx and the middle superior protocerebrum (Mao and Davis, 2009; Xie et al., 2018). Mapped to hemibrain PPL201 based on full innervation of lateral horn and comparison to Fig 6 of Mao and Davis (2009). LHCENT7 and PV1a1 are synonyms of PPL201 in neuprint (neuprint.janelia.org) hemibrain 1.1 data.

Open LH-CA neuron of the dopaminergic PPL2ab cluster in VFB

Example Images

LH-CA neuron of the dopaminergic PPL2ab cluster LH-CA neuron of the dopaminergic PPL2ab cluster

VFB Term Json

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            "label": "LH-CA neuron of the dopaminergic PPL2ab cluster"
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            "Adult dopaminergic neuron with a cell body in the PPL2ab cluster. It has major arborization sites in the lateral horn, the entire mushroom body calyx and the middle superior protocerebrum (Mao and Davis, 2009; Xie et al., 2018)."
        "comment": [
            "Mapped to hemibrain PPL201 based on full innervation of lateral horn and comparison to Fig 6 of Mao and Davis (2009). LHCENT7 and PV1a1 are synonyms of PPL201 in neuprint (neuprint.janelia.org) hemibrain 1.1 data."
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