LH-CA neuron of the dopaminergic PPL2ab cluster [FBbt_00048255]
Adult dopaminergic neuron with a cell body in the PPL2ab cluster. It has major arborization sites in the lateral horn, the entire mushroom body calyx and the middle superior protocerebrum (Mao and Davis, 2009; Xie et al., 2018). Mapped to hemibrain PPL201 based on full innervation of lateral horn and comparison to Fig 6 of Mao and Davis (2009). LHCENT7 and PV1a1 are synonyms of PPL201 in neuprint (neuprint.janelia.org) hemibrain 1.1 data.
This page displays the raw VFB json record for this term. Please use the link below to open the term inside the Virtual Fly Brain viewerOpen LH-CA neuron of the dopaminergic PPL2ab cluster in VFB
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VFB Term Json
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"symbol": "PPL201",
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"label": "LH-CA neuron of the dopaminergic PPL2ab cluster"
"description": [
"Adult dopaminergic neuron with a cell body in the PPL2ab cluster. It has major arborization sites in the lateral horn, the entire mushroom body calyx and the middle superior protocerebrum (Mao and Davis, 2009; Xie et al., 2018)."
"comment": [
"Mapped to hemibrain PPL201 based on full innervation of lateral horn and comparison to Fig 6 of Mao and Davis (2009). LHCENT7 and PV1a1 are synonyms of PPL201 in neuprint (neuprint.janelia.org) hemibrain 1.1 data."
"query": "Get JSON for Class",
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"DOI": "10.7554/eLife.62576"
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"label": "Mao and Davis, 2009, Front. Neural Circuits 3: 5"
"FlyBase": "",
"PubMed": "19597562",
"DOI": "10.3389/neuro.04.005.2009"
"core": {
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"label": "Xie et al., 2018, Cell Rep. 23(2): 652--665"
"FlyBase": "FBrf0238545",
"PubMed": "29642019",
"DOI": "10.1016/j.celrep.2018.03.068"
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