adult brain template Ito2014 [VFB_00030786]

The official template for the BrainName nomnclature and accompanying painted domains for the Brain Name nomenclature (Ito et al., 2014). This ticolor brain feautres a presynaptic marker (n-syb-GFP, green), a post synaptic marker (GABA receptor targeted Rdl-HA receptor, blue) and a cytoplasmic marker (Cytoplasmic DsRed, red).

Open adult brain template Ito2014 in VFB

VFB Term Json

    "term": {
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            "types": [
            "short_form": "VFB_00030786",
            "label": "adult brain template Ito2014"
        "description": [
            "The official template for the BrainName nomnclature and accompanying painted domains for the Brain Name nomenclature (Ito et al., 2014).  This ticolor brain feautres a presynaptic marker (n-syb-GFP, green), a post synaptic marker (GABA receptor targeted Rdl-HA receptor, blue) and a cytoplasmic marker (Cytoplasmic DsRed, red)."
        "comment": []
    "query": "Get JSON for Individual:Anatomy",
    "version": "44725ae",
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    "parents": [
            "symbol": "",
            "iri": "",
            "types": [
            "short_form": "FBbt_00003624",
            "label": "adult brain"
    "relationships": [],
    "xrefs": [],
    "channel_image": []