Defective CYP11B2 does not oxidise CORST [GO_0008395]
Catalysis of the formation of a hydroxyl group on a steroid by incorporation of oxygen from O2.
This page displays the raw VFB json record for this term. Please use the link below to open the term inside the Virtual Fly Brain viewerOpen Defective CYP11B2 does not oxidise CORST in VFB
VFB Term Json
"term": {
"core": {
"iri": "",
"symbol": "",
"types": [
"short_form": "GO_0008395",
"label": "Defective CYP11B2 does not oxidise CORST"
"description": [
"Catalysis of the formation of a hydroxyl group on a steroid by incorporation of oxygen from O2."
"comment": []
"query": "Get JSON for Class",
"version": "44725ae",
"parents": [
"symbol": "",
"iri": "",
"types": [
"short_form": "GO_0004497",
"label": "CYP4F8 19-hydroxylates PGH2"
"relationships": [],
"xrefs": [],
"anatomy_channel_image": [],
"pub_syn": [
"synonym": {
"scope": "has_narrow_synonym",
"label": "olfactory-specific steroid hydroxylase activity",
"type": ""
"pub": {
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"short_form": "Unattributed",
"label": ""
"FlyBase": "",
"PubMed": "",
"DOI": ""
"synonym": {
"scope": "has_narrow_synonym",
"label": "cytochrome P450 CYP2G1",
"type": ""
"pub": {
"core": {
"symbol": "",
"iri": "",
"types": [
"short_form": "Unattributed",
"label": ""
"FlyBase": "",
"PubMed": "",
"DOI": ""
"def_pubs": []
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