Thermo PN 7 (L1EM:3002410) [VFB_00102eij]

Temperature Neurons, Loopers, Loopers Right, Temperature Projection Neurons, ThermoBruno, BrunoThermo, ThermoPN20130726, ThermoLeft201309, 20131018, MBE11 and 12, ThermoSensoryCircuit, Thermosensory PNs, Light and Thermo convergence in LH, ambiguous fragment 1, Andi AL, SOG neurons, WB_BAla12 R, Tract references akira, ALT_r, Calyx input right MB, BAla12_r akira, other PNs calyx, downstream of SCAN3A, tPNs, hemilateral_pair_3002410_4108016, mw brain neurons, mw brain neurons + SU, BAla1/2 R, mw brain inventory, Srini-Matrix-03-05-2019, mw previously complete, mw right, IP CA mALT, #2, mw axon split complete, mw brain neurons split, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, PNs thermo, Thermo PN 7, mw MB for Priebe Group, mw brain neurons + sensories, AL CA IP, mw tPN, mw brain matrix, mw all PNs, mw brain ipsilateral, mw brain matrix + A1, mw ipsilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, stable, lv_cb_pre, sw:brain_paired:R, sw;brainpair;R, mw thermo-cold 2nd_order, mw thermo-cold 2nd_order PN-old, mw upstream KCs, mw PNs upstream KCs, mw upstream KCs thermo-cold PN, sw;pairs;R, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 1_level-1_clusterID-1_signal-flow_-0.067, 3_level-2_clusterID-3_signal-flow_-0.600, 4_level-3_clusterID-7_signal-flow_-0.188, 10_level-4_clusterID-15_signal-flow_-0.276, 17_level-5_clusterID-32_signal-flow_-0.030, 36_level-6_clusterID-66_signal-flow_-0.397, 25_level-7_clusterID-120_signal-flow_0.593, mw cascade-5-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, mw cascade-8-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, clb brainpaircensus mw right, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd PNs, ct PNs [EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; transmission electron microscopy (TEM); Thermo PN 7 (L1EM:3002410); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]

Open Thermo PN 7 (L1EM:3002410) in VFB

Term Information

  • ID: VFB_00102eij
  • Name: Thermo PN 7 (L1EM:3002410)
  • Definition:
  • Synonyms:
  • Type:
  • Comment: Temperature Neurons, Loopers, Loopers Right, Temperature Projection Neurons, ThermoBruno, BrunoThermo, ThermoPN20130726, ThermoLeft201309, 20131018, MBE11 and 12, ThermoSensoryCircuit, Thermosensory PNs, Light and Thermo convergence in LH, ambiguous fragment 1, Andi AL, SOG neurons, WB_BAla12 R, Tract references akira, ALT_r, Calyx input right MB, BAla12_r akira, other PNs calyx, downstream of SCAN3A, tPNs, hemilateral_pair_3002410_4108016, mw brain neurons, mw brain neurons + SU, BAla1/2 R, mw brain inventory, Srini-Matrix-03-05-2019, mw previously complete, mw right, IP CA mALT, #2, mw axon split complete, mw brain neurons split, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, PNs thermo, Thermo PN 7, mw MB for Priebe Group, mw brain neurons + sensories, AL CA IP, mw tPN, mw brain matrix, mw all PNs, mw brain ipsilateral, mw brain matrix + A1, mw ipsilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, stable, lv_cb_pre, sw:brain_paired:R, sw;brainpair;R, mw thermo-cold 2nd_order, mw thermo-cold 2nd_order PN-old, mw upstream KCs, mw PNs upstream KCs, mw upstream KCs thermo-cold PN, sw;pairs;R, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 1_level-1_clusterID-1_signal-flow_-0.067, 3_level-2_clusterID-3_signal-flow_-0.600, 4_level-3_clusterID-7_signal-flow_-0.188, 10_level-4_clusterID-15_signal-flow_-0.276, 17_level-5_clusterID-32_signal-flow_-0.030, 36_level-6_clusterID-66_signal-flow_-0.397, 25_level-7_clusterID-120_signal-flow_0.593, mw cascade-5-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, mw cascade-8-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, clb brainpaircensus mw right, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd PNs, ct PNs [EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; transmission electron microscopy (TEM); Thermo PN 7 (L1EM:3002410); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]

Example Images

Thermo PN 7 (L1EM:3002410)

VFB Term Json

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