PN (L1EM:17743170) [VFB_00102fi3]

BAmv3_l akira, Post-MBE18-36, Post-MBONs akira final, all PNs akira, MB2ON-124, Can’t reach, downstream of left uPN, LEFT, li temp 10 25 2016 below 1500 nodes all left downstream of all right orn pns, ASB downstream of right mPNs, ASB very large polysynaptic fragment, downstream of SCAL, paired with #13858824, left-right NBlast: 0.685363662969307, MB_FB_CN_all_akira, MB2ONs_akira, MB_CN_all_akira, ORN-PN_KC_MBIN_MBON_FAN_FBN_FFN_akira, hemilateral_pair_13858824_17743170, mw brain neurons, mw brain neurons + SU, mw complete, mw brain inventory, mw left, mw axon split complete, BAlc L, CA LH mALT ug, mw brain neurons split, #4T, mw current paired, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, VOLKER CHECK, mw brain neurons + sensories, AL CA SLP, AL CA SLP, mw brain matrix, mw brain unpublished <80% reviewed 2020-04-24, mw MN 2nd_order only, mw all PNs, mw AN_MN 2nd_order, mw ORN_AN_MN 2nd_order, mw MN PN, mw MN only PN, mw brain ipsilateral, mw brain matrix + A1, lv TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs 3L_3R_10Sum, lv L TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs, mw ipsilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, Extended_avinash, stable, mw ad hubs_out, mw 4680995 upstream partners, mw ad all_hubs, mw brain reviewed <80%, sw:brain_paired:L, sw;brainpair;L, mw gustatory-external 2nd_order, mw gustatory-external 2nd_order PN-old, sw;pairs;L, downMBONs, mw dSEZ-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-3hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw cascade hubs_out, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 0_level-1_clusterID-2_signal-flow_0.063, 1_level-2_clusterID-5_signal-flow_0.681, 1_level-3_clusterID-12_signal-flow_0.836, 5_level-4_clusterID-26_signal-flow_0.492, 11_level-5_clusterID-54_signal-flow_0.338, 17_level-6_clusterID-100_signal-flow_0.497, 22_level-7_clusterID-165_signal-flow_0.653, mw cascade-5-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, mw cascade-8-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd PNs, ct PNs [EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; PN (L1EM:17743170); transmission electron microscopy (TEM); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]

Open PN (L1EM:17743170) in VFB

Term Information

  • ID: VFB_00102fi3
  • Name: PN (L1EM:17743170)
  • Definition:
  • Synonyms:
  • Type:
  • Comment: BAmv3_l akira, Post-MBE18-36, Post-MBONs akira final, all PNs akira, MB2ON-124, Can’t reach, downstream of left uPN, LEFT, li temp 10 25 2016 below 1500 nodes all left downstream of all right orn pns, ASB downstream of right mPNs, ASB very large polysynaptic fragment, downstream of SCAL, paired with #13858824, left-right NBlast: 0.685363662969307, MB_FB_CN_all_akira, MB2ONs_akira, MB_CN_all_akira, ORN-PN_KC_MBIN_MBON_FAN_FBN_FFN_akira, hemilateral_pair_13858824_17743170, mw brain neurons, mw brain neurons + SU, mw complete, mw brain inventory, mw left, mw axon split complete, BAlc L, CA LH mALT ug, mw brain neurons split, #4T, mw current paired, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, VOLKER CHECK, mw brain neurons + sensories, AL CA SLP, AL CA SLP, mw brain matrix, mw brain unpublished <80% reviewed 2020-04-24, mw MN 2nd_order only, mw all PNs, mw AN_MN 2nd_order, mw ORN_AN_MN 2nd_order, mw MN PN, mw MN only PN, mw brain ipsilateral, mw brain matrix + A1, lv TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs 3L_3R_10Sum, lv L TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs, mw ipsilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, Extended_avinash, stable, mw ad hubs_out, mw 4680995 upstream partners, mw ad all_hubs, mw brain reviewed <80%, sw:brain_paired:L, sw;brainpair;L, mw gustatory-external 2nd_order, mw gustatory-external 2nd_order PN-old, sw;pairs;L, downMBONs, mw dSEZ-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-3hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw cascade hubs_out, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 0_level-1_clusterID-2_signal-flow_0.063, 1_level-2_clusterID-5_signal-flow_0.681, 1_level-3_clusterID-12_signal-flow_0.836, 5_level-4_clusterID-26_signal-flow_0.492, 11_level-5_clusterID-54_signal-flow_0.338, 17_level-6_clusterID-100_signal-flow_0.497, 22_level-7_clusterID-165_signal-flow_0.653, mw cascade-5-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, mw cascade-8-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd PNs, ct PNs [EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; PN (L1EM:17743170); transmission electron microscopy (TEM); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]

Example Images

PN (L1EM:17743170)

VFB Term Json

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            "*BAmv3_l akira, Post-MBE18-36, Post-MBONs akira final, all PNs akira, MB2ON-124, Can't reach, downstream of left uPN, LEFT, li temp 10 25 2016 below 1500 nodes all left downstream of all right orn pns, ASB downstream of right mPNs, ASB very large polysynaptic fragment, downstream of SCAL, paired with #13858824, left-right NBlast: 0.685363662969307, MB_FB_CN_all_akira, MB2ONs_akira, MB_CN_all_akira, ORN-PN_KC_MBIN_MBON_FAN_FBN_FFN_akira, hemilateral_pair_13858824_17743170, mw brain neurons, mw brain neurons + SU, mw complete, mw brain inventory, mw left, mw axon split complete, BAlc L, CA LH mALT ug, mw brain neurons split, #4T, mw current paired, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, VOLKER CHECK, mw brain neurons + sensories, AL CA SLP, AL CA SLP*, mw brain matrix, mw brain unpublished <80% reviewed 2020-04-24, mw MN 2nd_order only, mw all PNs, mw AN_MN 2nd_order, mw ORN_AN_MN 2nd_order, mw MN PN, mw MN only PN, mw brain ipsilateral, mw brain matrix + A1, lv TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs 3L_3R_10Sum, lv L TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs, mw ipsilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, Extended_avinash, stable, mw ad hubs_out, mw 4680995 upstream partners, mw ad all_hubs, mw brain reviewed <80%, sw:brain_paired:L, sw;brainpair;L, mw gustatory-external 2nd_order, mw gustatory-external 2nd_order PN-old, sw;pairs;L, downMBONs, mw dSEZ-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-3hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw cascade hubs_out, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 0_level-1_clusterID-2_signal-flow_0.063, 1_level-2_clusterID-5_signal-flow_0.681, 1_level-3_clusterID-12_signal-flow_0.836, 5_level-4_clusterID-26_signal-flow_0.492, 11_level-5_clusterID-54_signal-flow_0.338, 17_level-6_clusterID-100_signal-flow_0.497, 22_level-7_clusterID-165_signal-flow_0.653, mw cascade-5-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, mw cascade-8-hop labeled-line 2022-11-03, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd PNs, ct PNs"
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