Horseshoe Bilateral right (L1EM:3913613) [VFB_00102eju]

more than 4 synapses, left_down_PVL09, LNM_downstream1_7.05, Larisa PVL09 downstream, Larisa network PVL09_right, LNM_downstream3_6.05_cut, SYMM, symm_e, down-PVL09-4, Larisa circuits akira, WB_DPMpl2 R, DPMpl12_r akira, LH downstream of mPN iACT A1 right, ASB Right PN-LH Input, ASB No Dense Core, connect to locked, connect to locked MBE20, downstream of left uPN, ASB mPN-Dorsal Lobe, ASB PN-Dorsal Lobe, ASB mPN-Dorsal Lobe Connections, ASB downstream of right mPNs, li downstream of mPNs everything more than 5 synapses, li temp 5 more with single mPN, li left uPN everything less than 90% reviewed, except “kc frag”, li review for mPN right downstream less than 90% more than 5 synapses, li only right side downstream of mPNs everything more than 5 synapses, li shared with Laura, 10 synapse and more, downstream of mPN right, li shared with Laura mPN, li temp upn downstream all non local, li temp everything downstream of right upn with 3 synapses combined, mw paired 119, paired ds mPNs right >= 5 synapses individual, paired ds mPNs right >= 10 synapses individual, ds olfactory mPNs >=5 synapses individual, pairs ds olfactory mPNs >=5 synapses individual, fragment downstream of uPN, fragment with gap, pairs ds visual PNs >= 5, pairs ds mPNs >= 10, LHNs, axoAxo mPNs, axoAxo uPNs, axoDen mPNs, axoDen vPNs, mLHNs, vLHNs, putative LHN, hemilateral_pair_3913613_11782821, mw brain neurons, mw brain neurons + SU, DPMpl1/2 R, mw brain inventory, Srini-Matrix-03-05-2019, mw previously complete, mw right, mw axon split complete, IP com, mw brain neurons split, #1, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, mw brain neurons + sensories, mw brain crosses commissure, IP com, mw brain matrix, mw brain contralateral, mw dSEZ feedback 3hop 7-Sept 2020, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 7-Sept 2020, mw ds-pre-dVNC, mw ds-pre-dSEZ, mw dSEZ feedback 3hop 16-Sept 2020, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 16-Sept 2020, mw brain matrix + A1, lv TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs 3L_3R_10Sum, lv R TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs, mw pre-dVNC 1%, mw bilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, stable, mw ds-vPNs, mw LHN, mw bilateral axon partially asymmetrical neurons, sw:brain_paired:R, sw;brainpair;R, mw LN, mw gustatory-external 3rd_order, mw olfactory 3rd_order, mw visual 3rd_order, mw thermo-warm 3rd_order, mw brain 3rd_order LN gustatory-external, mw LNs_cohort, mw LHN-vPN, sw;pairs;R, upFBMBONs, upFBPBs, sw;mdev4, mw dVNC-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-3hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-2hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-3hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-casc-5hop 2022-03-15, nr horseshoe, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 0_level-1_clusterID-2_signal-flow_0.063, 1_level-2_clusterID-5_signal-flow_0.681, 1_level-3_clusterID-12_signal-flow_0.836, 5_level-4_clusterID-26_signal-flow_0.492, 11_level-5_clusterID-54_signal-flow_0.338, 17_level-6_clusterID-100_signal-flow_0.497, 32_level-7_clusterID-166_signal-flow_0.299, mw cascade-5-hop integrative 2022-11-03, mw cascade-8-hop integrative 2022-11-03, clb brainpaircensus mw right, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd LNs, ct LNs, ct LHNs, ct pre-DN-VNCs [EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; Horseshoe Bilateral right (L1EM:3913613); transmission electron microscopy (TEM); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]

Open Horseshoe Bilateral right (L1EM:3913613) in VFB

Term Information

  • ID: VFB_00102eju
  • Name: Horseshoe Bilateral right (L1EM:3913613)
  • Definition:
  • Synonyms:
  • Type:
  • Comment: more than 4 synapses, left_down_PVL09, LNM_downstream1_7.05, Larisa PVL09 downstream, Larisa network PVL09_right, LNM_downstream3_6.05_cut, SYMM, symm_e, down-PVL09-4, Larisa circuits akira, WB_DPMpl2 R, DPMpl12_r akira, LH downstream of mPN iACT A1 right, ASB Right PN-LH Input, ASB No Dense Core, connect to locked, connect to locked MBE20, downstream of left uPN, ASB mPN-Dorsal Lobe, ASB PN-Dorsal Lobe, ASB mPN-Dorsal Lobe Connections, ASB downstream of right mPNs, li downstream of mPNs everything more than 5 synapses, li temp 5 more with single mPN, li left uPN everything less than 90% reviewed, except “kc frag”, li review for mPN right downstream less than 90% more than 5 synapses, li only right side downstream of mPNs everything more than 5 synapses, li shared with Laura, 10 synapse and more, downstream of mPN right, li shared with Laura mPN, li temp upn downstream all non local, li temp everything downstream of right upn with 3 synapses combined, mw paired 119, paired ds mPNs right >= 5 synapses individual, paired ds mPNs right >= 10 synapses individual, ds olfactory mPNs >=5 synapses individual, pairs ds olfactory mPNs >=5 synapses individual, fragment downstream of uPN, fragment with gap, pairs ds visual PNs >= 5, pairs ds mPNs >= 10, LHNs, axoAxo mPNs, axoAxo uPNs, axoDen mPNs, axoDen vPNs, mLHNs, vLHNs, putative LHN, hemilateral_pair_3913613_11782821, mw brain neurons, mw brain neurons + SU, DPMpl1/2 R, mw brain inventory, Srini-Matrix-03-05-2019, mw previously complete, mw right, mw axon split complete, IP com, mw brain neurons split, #1, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, mw brain neurons + sensories, mw brain crosses commissure, IP com, mw brain matrix, mw brain contralateral, mw dSEZ feedback 3hop 7-Sept 2020, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 7-Sept 2020, mw ds-pre-dVNC, mw ds-pre-dSEZ, mw dSEZ feedback 3hop 16-Sept 2020, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 16-Sept 2020, mw brain matrix + A1, lv TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs 3L_3R_10Sum, lv R TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs, mw pre-dVNC 1%, mw bilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, stable, mw ds-vPNs, mw LHN, mw bilateral axon partially asymmetrical neurons, sw:brain_paired:R, sw;brainpair;R, mw LN, mw gustatory-external 3rd_order, mw olfactory 3rd_order, mw visual 3rd_order, mw thermo-warm 3rd_order, mw brain 3rd_order LN gustatory-external, mw LNs_cohort, mw LHN-vPN, sw;pairs;R, upFBMBONs, upFBPBs, sw;mdev4, mw dVNC-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-3hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-2hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-3hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-casc-5hop 2022-03-15, nr horseshoe, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 0_level-1_clusterID-2_signal-flow_0.063, 1_level-2_clusterID-5_signal-flow_0.681, 1_level-3_clusterID-12_signal-flow_0.836, 5_level-4_clusterID-26_signal-flow_0.492, 11_level-5_clusterID-54_signal-flow_0.338, 17_level-6_clusterID-100_signal-flow_0.497, 32_level-7_clusterID-166_signal-flow_0.299, mw cascade-5-hop integrative 2022-11-03, mw cascade-8-hop integrative 2022-11-03, clb brainpaircensus mw right, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd LNs, ct LNs, ct LHNs, ct pre-DN-VNCs [EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; Horseshoe Bilateral right (L1EM:3913613); transmission electron microscopy (TEM); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]

Example Images

Horseshoe Bilateral right (L1EM:3913613)

VFB Term Json

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            "more than 4 synapses, left_down_PVL09, LNM_downstream1_7.05, Larisa PVL09 downstream, Larisa network PVL09_right, LNM_downstream3_6.05_cut, SYMM, symm_e, down-PVL09-4, Larisa circuits akira, WB_DPMpl2 R, *DPMpl12_r akira, LH downstream of mPN iACT A1 right, ASB Right PN-LH Input, ASB No Dense Core, connect to locked, connect to locked MBE20, downstream of left uPN, ASB mPN-Dorsal Lobe, ASB PN-Dorsal Lobe, ASB mPN-Dorsal Lobe Connections, ASB downstream of right mPNs, li downstream of mPNs everything more than 5 synapses, li temp 5 more with single mPN, li left uPN everything less than 90% reviewed, except \"kc frag\", li review for mPN right downstream less than 90% more than 5 synapses, li only right side downstream of mPNs everything more than 5 synapses, li shared with Laura, 10 synapse and more, downstream of mPN right, li shared with Laura mPN, li temp upn downstream all non local, li temp everything downstream of right upn with 3 synapses combined, mw paired 119, paired ds mPNs right >= 5 synapses individual, paired ds mPNs right >= 10 synapses individual, ds olfactory mPNs >=5 synapses individual, pairs ds olfactory mPNs >=5 synapses individual, fragment downstream of uPN, fragment with gap, pairs ds visual PNs >= 5, pairs ds mPNs >= 10, LHNs, axoAxo mPNs, axoAxo uPNs, axoDen mPNs, axoDen vPNs, mLHNs, vLHNs, putative LHN, hemilateral_pair_3913613_11782821, mw brain neurons, mw brain neurons + SU, DPMpl1/2 R, mw brain inventory, Srini-Matrix-03-05-2019, mw previously complete, mw right, mw axon split complete, IP com, mw brain neurons split, #1, mw colored-matrix-2019-09-12, mw brain neurons + sensories, mw brain crosses commissure, IP com*, mw brain matrix, mw brain contralateral, mw dSEZ feedback 3hop 7-Sept 2020, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 7-Sept 2020, mw ds-pre-dVNC, mw ds-pre-dSEZ, mw dSEZ feedback 3hop 16-Sept 2020, mw pre-dSEZ feedback 3hop 16-Sept 2020, mw brain matrix + A1, lv TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs 3L_3R_10Sum, lv R TOONs minus ORN PNs and KCs, mw pre-dVNC 1%, mw bilateral axon, mw ipsilateral dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw test matrices, stable, mw ds-vPNs, mw LHN, mw bilateral axon partially asymmetrical neurons, sw:brain_paired:R, sw;brainpair;R, mw LN, mw gustatory-external 3rd_order, mw olfactory 3rd_order, mw visual 3rd_order, mw thermo-warm 3rd_order, mw brain 3rd_order LN gustatory-external, mw LNs_cohort, mw LHN-vPN, sw;pairs;R, upFBMBONs, upFBPBs, sw;mdev4, mw dVNC-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-3hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-2hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-3hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-4hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-5hop 2022-03-15, mw dVNC-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-feedback-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-casc-8hop 2022-03-15, mw dSEZ-efference-casc-5hop 2022-03-15, nr horseshoe, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 0_level-1_clusterID-2_signal-flow_0.063, 1_level-2_clusterID-5_signal-flow_0.681, 1_level-3_clusterID-12_signal-flow_0.836, 5_level-4_clusterID-26_signal-flow_0.492, 11_level-5_clusterID-54_signal-flow_0.338, 17_level-6_clusterID-100_signal-flow_0.497, 32_level-7_clusterID-166_signal-flow_0.299, mw cascade-5-hop integrative 2022-11-03, mw cascade-8-hop integrative 2022-11-03, clb brainpaircensus mw right, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd LNs, ct LNs, ct LHNs, ct pre-DN-VNCs"
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