A09 (ASB SOG-LH Dense Core)_a1r (L1EM:19718010) [VFB_00102flc]

Check_jm_akira, A1R, Lin X9 A1 R, Basin, com v VM, AUTO ascending neurons at 1112 gap, AUTO extends beyond brain, AUTO multiple presynapses to brain, mw A1 wider set, mw A1 neurons, mw right, mw A1 neurons paired, mw A1 neurons paired ascending, mw A1 ascending issues, mw brain matrix + A1, mw A1 neurons paired + accessory + dVNCs, mw A1 ascending broad dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw A1 ascending unknown, mw test matrices, NB3-5 Lin 9 A1 R, stable, sw:brain_paired:R, CCWA09Input, mw ascending temp, sw;idev0, sw;pairs;R, sw;mdev3, mw review ascending axon, Albert TODO, sw;mdeviants, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 1_level-1_clusterID-1_signal-flow_-0.067, 3_level-2_clusterID-3_signal-flow_-0.600, 4_level-3_clusterID-7_signal-flow_-0.188, 8_level-4_clusterID-16_signal-flow_-0.079, 15_level-5_clusterID-34_signal-flow_0.086, 28_level-6_clusterID-70_signal-flow_-0.003, 37_level-7_clusterID-125_signal-flow_0.199, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd ascendings, ct ascendings [A09 (ASB SOG-LH Dense Core)_a1r (L1EM:19718010); EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; transmission electron microscopy (TEM); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]

Open A09 (ASB SOG-LH Dense Core)_a1r (L1EM:19718010) in VFB

Term Information

  • ID: VFB_00102flc
  • Name: A09 (ASB SOG-LH Dense Core)_a1r (L1EM:19718010)
  • Definition:
  • Synonyms:
  • Type:
  • Comment: Check_jm_akira, A1R, Lin X9 A1 R, Basin, com v VM, AUTO ascending neurons at 1112 gap, AUTO extends beyond brain, AUTO multiple presynapses to brain, mw A1 wider set, mw A1 neurons, mw right, mw A1 neurons paired, mw A1 neurons paired ascending, mw A1 ascending issues, mw brain matrix + A1, mw A1 neurons paired + accessory + dVNCs, mw A1 ascending broad dendrite, mw brain matrix and A1, mw brain paper all neurons, mw A1 ascending unknown, mw test matrices, NB3-5 Lin 9 A1 R, stable, sw:brain_paired:R, CCWA09Input, mw ascending temp, sw;idev0, sw;pairs;R, sw;mdev3, mw review ascending axon, Albert TODO, sw;mdeviants, mw brain and inputs, 0_level-0_clusterID-0_signal-flow_-0.011, 1_level-1_clusterID-1_signal-flow_-0.067, 3_level-2_clusterID-3_signal-flow_-0.600, 4_level-3_clusterID-7_signal-flow_-0.188, 8_level-4_clusterID-16_signal-flow_-0.079, 15_level-5_clusterID-34_signal-flow_0.086, 28_level-6_clusterID-70_signal-flow_-0.003, 37_level-7_clusterID-125_signal-flow_0.199, ND_published, ND_all published et al, ctd ascendings, ct ascendings [A09 (ASB SOG-LH Dense Core)_a1r (L1EM:19718010); EM L1 Winding, Pedigo et al., 2023; transmission electron microscopy (TEM); is part of; embryonic/larval nervous system; L1 larval CNS ssTEM - Cardona/Janelia; embryonic/larval neuron; CC-BY_4.0; VFB CATMAID L1 CNS]

Example Images

A09 (ASB SOG-LH Dense Core)_a1r (L1EM:19718010)

VFB Term Json

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