Larval split-GAL4 line raw images release

Raw images from the 1020 Larval split-GAL4 lines and 350 Generation 1 LexA lines included in Meissner et al., 2024 are now available on VFB.

The raw image data for the larval split-GAL4 and Gen 1 LexA lines from Meissner, G. W., et al. “A split-GAL4 driver line resource for Drosophila CNS cell types.” bioRxiv (2024)._ DOI: 10.1101/2024.01.09.574419 is available on VFB here:


For each image, the confocal stack in TIFF format can be downloaded by selecting an image or all TIFF stacks and z-projections for a line can be downloaded by selecting a line name. Line and image names can be searched at the top right.

We are working on fully integrating these images into VFB. This raw data site does not include full genotypes but these will be included in the curated release on the main VFB site in a later release.

The larval split-GAL4 line release was annotated and provided via the Zlatic lab

Last modified March 20, 2024: Update (758a40c)