

pymaid (“python-catmaid”) lets you interface with a CATMAID server such as those provided by VFB to host published data from the FAFB dataset. It’s built on top of navis and returns generally returns data (neurons, volumes) in a way that you can plug them straight into navis - e.g. for plotting.


The VFB servers (see here what’s available) are public and don’t require an API token for read-access which makes connecting dead simple:

import pymaid
import navis


# Connect to the VFB CATMAID server hosting the FAFB data
rm = pymaid.connect_catmaid(server="", api_token=None, max_threads=10)

# Test call to see if connection works 
print(f'Server is running CATMAID version {rm.catmaid_version}')
WARNING: Could not load OpenGL library.
INFO  : Global CATMAID instance set. Caching is ON. (pymaid)
Server is running CATMAID version 2020.02.15-905-g93a969b37

We will cover how to search the VFB data base for neurons you might want to pull from the CATMAID server elsewhere. Instead, this notebook should give you a flavour of what kind of data you can pull and how to handle it.

Pulling neurons

Let’s start with pulling neurons:

# Pull a neuron by its ID (16) -> this happens to be a olfactory PN too 
n = pymaid.get_neurons(16)

type CatmaidNeuron
name Uniglomerular mALT VA6 adPN 017 DB
id 16
n_nodes 16840
n_connectors 2158
n_branches 1172
n_leafs 1230
cable_length 4003103.232861
soma [2941309]
units 1 nanometer

See how this neuron’s type is “CatmaidNeuron”?

That’s because pymaid subclasses navis.TreeNeuron $\rightarrow$ pymaid.CatmaidNeuron and navis.NeuronList $\rightarrow$ pymaid.CatmaidNeuronList. The purpose of that is to add a bit of extra functionality (such as lazy loading of data) but both CatmaidNeuron and CatmaidNeuronList work as drop in replacements for their parent class.


# Plot CatmaidNeuron with navis
navis.plot3d(n, width=1000, connectors=True, c='k')

get_neurons() returns neurons including their “connectors” - i.e. pre- (red) and postsynapses (blue). For this particular neuron, the published data comprehensively labels the axonal synapses but not the dendrites. Analogous to the nodes table, you can access the connectors like so:


node_id connector_id type x y z
0 97891 97895 0 436882.09375 161840.453125 212160.0
1 2591 97954 0 437120.00000 160998.000000 211920.0
2 2665 98300 0 437183.75000 162323.515625 214880.0
3 2646 98373 0 437041.68750 162451.937500 214120.0
4 2654 98415 0 436760.90625 163689.796875 214440.0

Let’s run a bigger example and pull all data published with Bates, Schlegel et al. 2020. For this, we will use “annotations”. These are effectively text labels that group neurons together.

bates = pymaid.find_neurons(annotations='Paper: Bates and Schlegel et al 2020')
INFO  : Found 583 neurons matching the search parameters (pymaid)


bates is a CatmaidNeuronList containing 583 neurons. Importantly pymaid has not yet loaded any data other than names! Note all the “NAs” in the summary:


type name skeleton_id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57316 2863105 ML 2863104 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
1 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA3 adPN 57350 HG 57349 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
2 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57354 GA 57353 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
3 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT VA6 adPN 017 DB 16 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
4 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT VA5 lPN 57362 ML 57361 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer

We could have used pymaid.get_neurons('annotation:Paper: Bates and Schlegel et al 2020') instead to load all data up-front.

But: the free Deepnote machines are limited to 4Gb memory though and we might exceed that (soft) limit by loading all neurons at once - in particular if there are several notebooks running in parallel. Feel free to try it with get_neurons but keep an eye on the memory usage!

Continuing with our example: the CatmaidNeuronList will lazy load data from the server as you request it.

# Access the first neurons nodes 
# -> this will trigger a data download
_ = bates[0].nodes 

# Run summary again 

type name skeleton_id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57316 2863105 ML 2863104 6774 470 280 292 1522064.513255 [3245741] 1 nanometer
1 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA3 adPN 57350 HG 57349 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
2 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57354 GA 57353 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
3 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT VA6 adPN 017 DB 16 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
4 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT VA5 lPN 57362 ML 57361 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer

Note how the first neuron now has data where there were only NAs before? That’s because we loaded it on-demand.

Let’s do something more useful next: find and plot all uniglomelar DA1 projection neurons by their name.

# Name will be match pattern "Uniglomerular {tract} DA1 {lineage}"
import re 
prog = re.compile("Uniglomerular(.*?) DA1 ")

# Match all neuron names in `bates` against that pattern
is_da1 = list(map(lambda x: prog.match(x) != None,

# Subset list 
da1 = bates[is_da1]

type name skeleton_id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57316 2863105 ML 2863104 6774 470 280 292 1522064.513255 [3245741] 1 nanometer
1 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57354 GA 57353 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
2 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57382 ML 57381 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
3 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mlALT DA1 vPN mlALTed Milk 23348... 2334841 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
4 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN PN021 2345090 DB RJVR 2345089 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
# Plot neurons by their lineage  
for n in da1:
    # Split name into components and keep only the tract
    n.lineage =' ')[3]    

# Generate a color per tract
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np 

lineages = np.unique(da1.lineage) 
lin_cmap = dict(zip(lineages, sns.color_palette('muted', len(lineages))))
neuron_cmap = { lin_cmap[n.lineage] for n in da1}

navis.plot3d(da1, color=neuron_cmap, hover_name=True)