lacks all parts of type [PATO_0002000]
A quality of physical entities inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer’s lacking a physical part as specified by the additional entity. Example: [E=organism Q=lacks_all_parts_of_type E2=Wing] - applies to an organism. A relational quality in which the bearer entity has no parts of the specified type. The bearer of this quality has_part = 0 of the indicated entity type, where a comparable organism usually has at least 1 part of the same type. Note that the bearer of the quality is the whole, not the part. Formally: If a bearer entity e lacks all parts of type X at time t, then there exists no instances x of X at t such that x part_of e that has no wings, where wings are normally present in that organism type. In OWL this is equivalent to a restriction on the OBO_REL:has_part relation with cardinality=0, i.e has_part 0 E2.
This page displays the raw VFB json record for this term. Please use the link below to open the term inside the Virtual Fly Brain viewerOpen lacks all parts of type in VFB
VFB Term Json
"term": {
"core": {
"iri": "",
"symbol": "",
"types": [
"short_form": "PATO_0002000",
"label": "lacks all parts of type"
"description": [
"A quality of physical entities inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking a physical part as specified by the additional entity."
"comment": [
"Example: [E=organism Q=lacks_all_parts_of_type E2=Wing] - applies to an organism. A relational quality in which the bearer entity has no parts of the specified type. The bearer of this quality has_part = 0 of the indicated entity type, where a comparable organism usually has at least 1 part of the same type. Note that the bearer of the quality is the whole, not the part. Formally: If a bearer entity e lacks all parts of type X at time t, then there exists no instances x of X at t such that x part_of e that has no wings, where wings are normally present in that organism type. In OWL this is equivalent to a restriction on the OBO_REL:has_part relation with cardinality=0, i.e has_part 0 E2."
"query": "Get JSON for Class",
"version": "44725ae",
"parents": [
"symbol": "",
"iri": "",
"types": [
"short_form": "PATO_0001999",
"label": "lacks parts or has fewer parts of type"
"relationships": [
"relation": {
"iri": "",
"label": "reciprocal_of",
"type": "reciprocal_of"
"object": {
"symbol": "",
"iri": "",
"types": [
"short_form": "PATO_0000462",
"label": "absent"
"xrefs": [],
"anatomy_channel_image": [],
"pub_syn": [
"synonym": {
"scope": "has_exact_synonym",
"label": "lacks all physical parts of type",
"type": ""
"pub": {
"core": {
"symbol": "",
"iri": "",
"types": [
"short_form": "Unattributed",
"label": ""
"FlyBase": "",
"PubMed": "",
"DOI": ""
"def_pubs": [
"core": {
"symbol": "",
"iri": "",
"types": [
"short_form": "Unattributed",
"label": ""
"FlyBase": "",
"PubMed": "",
"DOI": ""
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